Training and capacity building
Baasham Research and consulting works with its clients in the facilitation of the capacity building and training services. Our specialized training packages cover different sectors in the areas of peace-building, conflict management and reconciliation; human rights promotion; women protection; stabilization and CVE; policy analysis debriefing; media and strategic communications. We work with our clients in capacitating governments and civil society counterparts. Our training is practical and sustainable. Courses are developed and hosted in partnership with those that request training. Baasham Research and consulting specialists, facilitators and trainers develop manuals, guides and handbooks that are informed by our research and policy work. These resources are used in training through seminars, dialogues and workshops convened by Baasham Research and consulting and its partners. Baasham Research and consulting partners with public and the private sector to facilitate institutional capacity development. Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening are integral parts of the technical support that we provide to individuals, organizations and institutions. We deliver services that build knowledge and skills, influence attitudes and positively influence the working practices of the participants. Given the complex nature of institutional change management, much of our effort is delivered through longer-term formal and on-the-job training, coaching, consultative workshops and information-sharing seminars.
- Enable
- Execute
- Elevate