Persons with Disability, Youth and Women
Persons with disability, Youth and women engagement are a critical component of the efforts by private and public institutions to tackle the social, economic, security and political challenges. Youth and women form a sizeable portion of the population of East and Horn of Africa. As government and non-government institutions attempt to social, economic, security and political challenges, youth and women are essential stakeholders for economic development and peace and stability. No government will be credible and effective unless it meaningfully engages with youth and women to ensure their voices and values are reflected and protected by the state. If youth urban cities and in rural and hard to reach areas remain disconnected from each other and disengaged from political and economic processes, economic development will remain mere dream, security gains will remain fragile and stability will remain elusive.
Baasham Research and consulting offers public and private institutions with technical expertise to addressing the youth and women engagement challenges and help them productively engage at risk youth and marginalized women. Baasham Research and consulting will use its expertise working with youth and women by designing interventions that are aimed at increasing opportunities for youth engagement with the government, promoting alternative narratives to counter extremist recruitment while providing livelihood opportunities to youth vulnerable to extremist recruitment.
- Enable
- Execute
- Elevate